”"Getting the Market has developed our employer branding website ''. They are your partner of choice when you want to inspire the youth to work in the port."
Marco TakDirector Rotterdam Shipbrokers
Inspiring young
people to become
a ship agent
VRC is an association that represents the interest of roughly 60 ship agents in the port of Rotterdam. Together, they handle over 90% of the seagoing ships calling at the largest port of Europe.
In 2023, VRC initiated a campaign to inspire young people to become a ship agent.
“How can we encourage young Rotterdammers to pursue a career as ship agent?”
Our approach
The project started with getting to know the target audience. How do youngsters want to be addressed? What do they think of working in the port?
Next, we followed a ship agent through the port. Youngsters need to experience what it is like to work in the port.
We designed and built a colorful and modern website with nice videos and photos. With bright colors and playful fonts, youngsters feel at home in this website.

With the ‘Cargadoor worden’ campaign going live soon via diverse channels, it is too early to talk about the results.
What we do know, is that the look & feel in combination with the content is highly appreciated by the target audience. To be continued…

“How can I help you? Reach out for any inquiries or assistance. We’re just a message away.”
Emma Molenaar
Marketing & communications